The Office of the Diaconate supports the formation, ministry, and life of the deacons serving in the Diocese of Monterey.
It is the goal of this department to encourage, identify, nurture and support vocations to the ordained ministry of the diaconate. This office is concerned with the full range of formation, ministry, and life of deacons and their families. This involves the entire application, selection, and formation of candidates for ordination, following the requirements established by the Holy See and the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops. Following ordination, this office offers ongoing formation opportunities, supports the various ministries in which deacons are assigned by the bishop, and provides for their ongoing human, spiritual, academic and pastoral formation.
A Deacon is ...
Committed to living in an ever-deepening relationship with Jesus Christ is and through the Church.
One who is fulfilled through service to others.
One who serves his family and faith community in joy.
One who is committed to personal and communal prayer.
One who recognizes those with problems and reaches out to them.
One who has the ability to work effectively as a member of a pastoral team with both ordained and lay staff.
Some requirements of an Applicant:
He may be married or single and at least 35 years of age at the time of ordination.
If he is married, he and his wife are in a stable, valid Catholic marriage for at least five years prior to the start of formation.
Both his wife and children (if any) are supportive of his desire to become a deacon.
If he is single, then he is willing to commit to celibacy for the sake of the ministry.
He is capable of the serious time and study required for preparation of a deacon.
A Physical Examination and a Psychological Evaluation are required of all participants during the first year of formation.
As part of the initial assessment process, he will be interviewed by a member of the Formation Team who will meet with him and his family to talk about the ministry and the demands that it will entail for him and his family.
When a person is formally admitted to the program, he can expect that the overall formation process will last about five (5) years.
Outline of Formation Years:
Year One, Two, Three and Four - Academic, Human, Pastoral and Spiritual Formation
Year Five - Continued Human, Pastoral and Spiritual Formation
Note: During the Five Year Formation process wives are required to attend Formation Days and the Annual Formation Retreat each year.
What about Spiritual Formation?
All throughout the Formation process, time and opportunities are provided for personal and communal prayer, spiritual direction, and annual retreats. The discernment process continues throughout the entire Formation program and is an integral aspect of Diaconate preparation.
What about the theological preparation?
Santa Clara University provides theological formation through their Graduate Pastoral Ministry Ministry Department. Classes are offered in Monterey one Saturday a month and online each Tuesday.
How often does Deacon Formation begin?
In order to give proper time and attention to each group, we do not form a new group each year. Please contact the diaconate office for information on when a new group will be formed and how to apply.