O God, in your ineffable mercy, you chose Saint Junipero Serra as a means of gathering many peoples into your Church. Grant that through his intercession our hearts may be united to you in ever greater love, so that at all times and in all places, we may show forth the image of your Only Begotten Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ, who lives and reigns - with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, forever and ever, Amen.
If you receive blessings or favors through the intercession of Saint Junipero Serra, please advise:
Diocese of Monterey
P.O. Box 2048
Monterey, CA 93942
If you receive blessings or favors through the intercession of Father Lasuen, please advise:
Diocese of Monterey
P.O. Box 2048
Monterey, CA 93942