527 Corralitos Rd.
Corralitos, CA 95076
Phone: (831) 722-5490 Ext.12
Fax: (831) 722-5421
Respect Life Director:
Rev. Derek Hughes
Letty Mejia
Fertility Care Services of the Central Coast
Sheila St. John
(831) 443-3743
The Annual Respect Life mass will continue but the dates may change from year to year, as it is our hope to encourage participants to attend the Annual Walks For Life held in San Francisco and/or Los Angeles. As the Respect Life is celebrated by Bishop Garcia we also have to work with his calendar commitments.
The Respect Life Department promotes increased awareness of the God-given dignity of human life, from the moment of conception until the moment of natural death, focusing on the life issues of abortion, euthanasia, and capital punishment.
Respect Life inspires and motivates Catholics to become actively involved in promoting life values through service, education, and legislative activity. Services include Project Rachel, Natural Family Planning, Project Truth fair booths and Respect Life Sunday.
Opposition to abortion is a fundamental concern of the Respect Life Department: however, the department will also focus on Church teaching regarding capital punishment and euthanasia.
Pope St. John Paul II and Pope Francis have called for an end to capital punishment, and it is hoped that we can give voice to and echo their prophetic words.