Mrs. Cecilia Brennan, J.C.L.
Director of the Tribunal
Ms. Maria Gonzalez
Marriage Case Manager
Phone: (831) 373-1833 Fax: (831) 373-6761
OFFICE LOCATION 485 Church Street Monterey, CA. 93940 | Please Note: If you are planning on visiting our office, we ask that you call ahead to schedule an appointment. This will allow us to prepare for your visit and allocate time to assist you. |
The Office of the Tribunal and Canonical Services assists the Bishop in his judicial role through the application of the internal legal system of the Catholic Church which includes the Code of Canon Law, the Code of Canons of the Eastern Churches, Liturgical Law, Scripture and Magisterial teaching.
Our mission is to determine the truth and to provide justice for all those who approach the Church’s court system. Determinations include assessing the validity of marriages that have broken down, requests for dispensations and permissions, approval of prenuptial packets, addressing temporal goods and penal matters as well as clarifying the status of persons in the Church. The office provides canonical expertise to the Bishop and parish or diocesan staff, as well as the faithful of the Diocese of Monterey.
We are ministers of truth, justice and mercy.
Please note prenuptial packets for weddings outside the United States are to be received no later than eight (8) weeks prior to the wedding date to ensure they are processed in time by our tribunal and received by the tribunal of the diocese of the wedding celebration for approval and transmittal to the parish where the marriage is to take place. Late or incomplete files will jeopardize approvals.